The goal for this years competiton was to incorporate a mobile sensor with the ASV to help out with path planning. The mobile sensor would be used to take in data of the buoys from above and send the results to the ASV. The ASV would then use that data and in algorithms so that the distacnes of the buoys from one to the other would be able to be determined. Once the determination on the distances of the buoys has been made, the ASV would be able to travel through the buoys as quickly as possible. This allows for the ASV to gain more points in the process as it would have the tendency to move around faster that it would have before.

This year's team was comprised of 2 Faculty Advisors, 1 Graduate Student, and 4 Undergraduate Students. The Undergraduate Students had a focus on maximizing the points the could be obtained in this years competiton by adding a UAV. The Graduate Student had a primary focus on the ASV, with attempting to see the system running with the new hardware installed on the system. With all of these team members atempting different areas for this system, and with the Coaches help, the team was able to get these systems out on the water and watch these systems move in a swamp.